
Why Are There Holes In My Basement Wall?

Holes in basement walls are usually relatively easy and inexpensive repairs. If basement waterproofing fails, water enters basement walls through basement wall holes. After determining if basement walls are leaking due to basement waterproofing failure, holes can be fixed using the appropriate techniques. Holes might also be caused by backfill, which is soil that fills basement walls after basement waterproofing has been installed. In this case, holes may be patched with basement waterproofing materials.

In extreme cases, basement wall damage due to basement leaks is severe and necessitates complete basement wall replacement. Before doing major basement repairs or a full-replacement of basement walls, other options should be considered first because wall replacement Holes in basement walls are typically caused by three problems: exterior water intrusion, basement waterproofing failure, and backfill issues.

Exterior Water Intrusion

Holes might develop when rainwater pours into basement walls. This usually happens near the outside corners of basement walls where two angles meet each other. Find out if basement wall holes are caused by exterior water intrusion.

Holes might develop near basement window sills if basement waterproofing fails and rainwater enters the basement walls from inside of a basement.

Basement Waterproofing

The basement waterproofing system, usually consisting of a basement foundation wall drain tile and sump pit, is typically designed to divert water away from the basement.  Unfortunately, basement drains clog over time due to leaves, sand or dirt settling in or near them. When this happens basement, water backs up under the basement floor slab and leaks through basement walls.

If you’re dealing with fixing cracks in basement walls, it’s important to consider the broader aspects of basement maintenance. Ideal Basement Humidity plays a crucial role in preventing future cracks and minimizing water intrusion. Maintaining the right humidity levels can help preserve the structural integrity of your basement walls and reduce the likelihood of cracks forming in the first place.

Backfill Issues

Holes might also be caused by backfill, which is soil that fills a trench dug around basement foundation walls to support them as they are being built.

Holes in basement walls should be repaired by a basement waterproofing contractor who can seal foundation wall cracks and basement wall holes with the right products and tools to keep basement walls dry. Holes in basement walls should be repaired by a contractor who can seal them to keep basement walls dry.

Holes in basement walls can be a nuisance but usually are relatively easy and inexpensive repairs. The best first step is to test for basement waterproofing failure by spraying basement walls with a garden hose. If basement walls are leaking, the basement waterproofing system should be fixed first. Once basement water is diverted away and stops penetrating basement basement walls, holes can then be fixed using the appropriate techniques.

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